Dear Eartha, My friend posted an article on Facebook that says greasy pizza boxes can now be recycled, but I was told they belong in the trash. What’s the deal, are greasy pizza boxes recyclable? To start, let’s get one thing straight – in Summit County, greasy pizza boxes belong in the trash. This question […]

ASK EARTHA: 5 Ways to Reduce Plastic at the Grocery Store

Dear Eartha, I try to avoid plastic when I go grocery shopping, but it seems practically impossible. What can I do? The grocery store can be stressful enough remembering COVID-19 precautions, dodging your chatty neighbor, and managing coupon expiration dates, not to mention reducing plastic waste. Right here in Summit County, for every 100 pounds […]

Can I Compost Dissolvable Packing Peanuts?

Dear Eartha, I recently received a package with white peanuts that dissolve in water.  I assume they are made of starch or at least I’ve heard of that.  Can I compost them? The first time I received a package with what appeared to be puffy cereal protecting the contents, I began investigating them myself. Turns out, […]