ASK EARTHA: How To Waste Less Food

Dear Eartha, I was gifted some reusable produce bags, which are great for grocery shopping. But when I put my veggies in the fridge, none of it stays fresh. I like the idea of using less plastic, but it’s not working for me. Any tips?  Reusable produce bags are an increasingly popular way to reduce plastic […]

ASK EARTHA: Beware of Greenwashing

Dear Eartha, I recently ordered laundry detergent sheets to reduce my plastic consumption, but the items arrived in a giant plastic envelope and the sheets were inside yet another plastic bag. It’s frustrating that a product claiming to be eco-friendly and plastic-free was not. What can I do?  Good-for-the-planet products seem to be everywhere. On one […]

ASK EARTHA: Local Plastic Bag Bans Are in Effect

Dear Eartha, I keep hearing about this plastic bag ban. How will this impact the businesses I frequent and myself personally?  If you’ve shopped at the City Market in Dillon over the past few weeks, you might have noticed something missing at the checkout: plastic bags! If you haven’t heard about it yet, here’s the scoop: […]

ASK EARTHA: Greywater in Colorado

Dear Eartha, My neighbor keeps a bucket at the bottom of their tub while they shower to collect water that they use in their garden. Does that really make a big difference?   You hear a lot about recycling from High Country Conservation Center. Summit County recycles aluminum cans, glass bottles, mattresses, and the list goes […]

ASK EARTHA: 5 Actions To Take This Earth Day

Dear Eartha, I’m looking for some new ways to celebrate Earth Day this year. What actions can I take locally to support a sustainable Summit County?  My favorite time of year – Earth Day. Across the globe, people commemorate this 51-year-old celebration by cleaning up their communities and taking action to create a healthier, more sustainable […]

ASK EARTHA: Which is Best – Bottled or Tap Water

Dear Eartha, I often see people at the grocery store purchasing two or three cases of bottled water. Don’t we have good drinking water here in the county? What’s with all the unnecessary plastic?  In 2016, sales of bottled water surpassed soft drink sales in the United States. That year, the world was awakened to the […]

ASK EARTHA: Our Plastic Problem

Dear Eartha, I’m frustrated so much of what we buy is plastic or wrapped in plastic, and I can’t even recycle it. How did we get here and aren’t things getting better? In trying to solve the problems of present, we sometimes forget that looking back can help us navigate a better path forward. That’s […]