Strong Future Community Grants
Funded by the Strong Future ballot measure approved by voters in 2018, these competitive grants are designed to help local entities and government agencies prevent and reduce waste. We’re stronger as a community and together, we can reach Summit County’s community goal of 40% waste diversion by 2035.
Applications will open on March 1.

Recycling Mini-Grants
We get it. Businesses and HOAs in Dillon and Silverthorne may need a little recycling help, too. Recycling Mini-Grants, also funded by the Strong Future ballot measure, are available to help increase or improve recycling in the communities who don’t have Universal Recycling.
Grants are commonly used for custom waste bins and labels, and they can also be used for changes or improvements to waste enclosures. To get started, contact HC3 for a free site visit. We’ll help you understand best practices and provide custom solutions for your business or HOA. After your free site visit, you’ll be eligible to access Mini-Grant funds. These funds are available on a first come, first served basis.
Universal Recycling Grants (Breckenridge, Frisco & Unincorporated Summit County)
For businesses and multifamily buildings (HOAs) who are working toward Universal Recycling compliance, the towns of Breckenridge, Frisco and Unincorporated Summit County are offering grants up to $2,500 on a first-come, first-served basis.
Grants may be used for changes or improvements to waste enclosures, or for materials such as recycling bins and labels that help properties work toward a clean and effective program.

More Support for Sustainable Businesses
Sustainability goes far beyond recycling. Resource Wise teaches businesses and HOAs how to save energy, water and more. Participants will gain access to hundreds of dollars in rebates to make their business more sustainable.
Is your business or HOA irrigation a drain? Schedule a Water Smart assessment through HC3. We’ll optimize your irrigation system, and show you how to grow a greener, healthier lawn, while saving water and money. Every drop counts here in Colorado.