Ask Eartha: Dealing with all of those leaves

Dear Eartha, My garden and yard are looking spookier than any haunted house, and it’s not Halloween decorations. What’s a ghoul — I mean, gardener — to do with all these fallen leaves and a garden that’s downright ghostly? October has gifted us with some stunning days, so it’s no wonder that fall chores may […]

Ask Eartha: Water assessments are worth it

Dear Eartha, My neighbor had an irrigation assessment this summer and now he’s scheduling more work to improve his system in spring. Is the expense worth it? Is this really something I need to worry about in October? No matter if it’s over your yard or a nagging pain in your ankle, worrying can get […]

Ask Eartha: How to have a spook-tacular sustainable Halloween?

Dear Eartha, No tricks, how can we turn our Halloween holiday into a sustainable treat for the planet?  Welcome to the ultimate guide for a spook-tacular sustainable Halloween! We’re diving into the how-tos of pumpkin composting, costume creativity, and candy choices that won’t scare the planet. Join me on this eco-friendly adventure, where sustainability meets fun, […]

Ask Eartha: What you need to know about the universal recycling ordinance

Dear Eartha, I own a business in Frisco and recently learned about the universal recycling ordinance.  I’m not sure how it applies to my business. What do I need to know? According the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Americans only recycle 32% of our waste. In Colorado, our statewide recycling rate is only 16%. Here Summit County, the recycling […]

Ask Eartha: Let’s talk about Climate Action Week

Dear Eartha, I’m just one person, and climate change feels so big. What could I possibly do to help? I had a conversation with a friend recently during which she lamented that trying to fix the climate crisis feels like “trying to boil the ocean.” It’s big, it seems insurmountable and it’s discouraging. These are […]