Ask Eartha: What’s natural about natural gas?

Dear Eartha, I hear people talking about reducing natural gas use, but I don’t understand why. If it’s “natural,” doesn’t that mean it’s good? What comes to mind when you think of the word “natural”? Maybe crisp mountain streams, fresh air, and clear skies. Certainly not air and water pollution or poor indoor air quality. […]

Ask Eartha: What types of lightbulbs are best for me?

Dear Eartha, I heard a rumor that certain types of lightbulbs are going to be banned soon. What gives? You heard right! As of 2023, incandescent lightbulbs are banned in the United States. And it is for good reason because not all lightbulbs work as efficiently as others. While all lightbulbs share the same function — lighting […]

Ask Eartha: Making Sense of Recycling in Summit County

Dear Eartha, I thought I was a great recycler, but I found out recently that I might be putting items in my recycling bin that don’t belong there. Why is recycling in Summit County so confusing? Recycling shouldn’t be so confusing. But it is, thanks to years of the plastic industry tricking us into thinking everything is recyclable. So let’s start […]

Ask Eartha: A Call for Energy Efficiency Professionals

Dear Eartha, I just had an energy assessment done, which got me really excited about completing energy efficiency projects for my home. But now I’m having trouble getting anyone scheduled to come to do the work. Why is it so hard to line up contractors for these types of projects? The demand for energy efficiency […]