ASK EARTHA: Combatting Climate Change

Dear Eartha, I’ve heard that to avoid the scariest impacts of climate change, we humans need to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Are we doing enough to get there? What would it take to hit that target?  As we emerge from the Covid reality of the past year, it’s worth reflecting on the world we’re […]

Compost Giveaway: Friday, May 19

*For Food Scrap Program Participants Only* HC3, in partnership with the SCRAP, is offering FREE compost to food scrap participants! The food waste you’ve been collecting is combined with beetle-kill wood and biosolids to create high-quality compost right here in Summit County. High Country Compost can help you level up your garden and improve the quality of your soil.    Bring your own bucket […]

ASK EARTHA: Gardening in the Mountains

Dear Eartha Steward, I would love to grow my own vegetable garden, but I don’t know much about gardening in the mountains.  I feel like it would be really good for me to do this! How do you suggest I get started?    Growing vegetables in our mountain climate is entirely possible … as long as […]