Ask Eartha: How do I recycle household items?

Dear Eartha, I have some old paint and electronics in my house that I need to get rid of, but I feel bad throwing them away. Are there options to recycle household items? It’s that time of the year. Time to get out of the winter funk and refresh our spaces with some spring cleaning. But […]

Ask Eartha: How do I throw away less trash?

Dear Eartha, I try hard to recycle, but I still feel like I throw a lot of things away. Do you have any advice that can help me throw away less stuff?  Most of us are well-acquainted with the three Rs of Recycling: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. In March, I shared that recycling should be […]

Compost Giveaway Event

Friday, May 31 | 9am – 12pm You’ve been collecting food scraps all year long, now it’s time to reap the benefits. HC3, in partnership with the Summit County Resource Allocation Park, is offering FREE compost to food scrap participants!  Bring your own bag or bucket, and stop by one of three locations on Friday, May […]

Ask Eartha: What is Earth Month?

Dear Eartha, I’ve caught wind that April is Earth Month. I’m familiar with Earth Day, but what exactly goes down during Earth Month?Earth Month is a celebration and dedication to our planet that extends beyond just Earth Day. We all know that Mother Earth deserves more than one day of celebration! Throughout the month, various […]

A Finer Future is Possible: A talk with Hunter Lovins

April 28 | 3 p.m. | Free Colorado Mountain College, Breckenridge Join HC3 and its community partners for a talk by renowned author and sustainability expert, Hunter Lovins. Hunter will share wisdom from her new book, A Finer Future, including how communities, citizens, and businesses can help to transform our economy to a regenerative economy […]

Ask Eartha: Who Won the Green Scene Awards?

Dear Eartha, I have noticed a lot of businesses and community members working hard to make the county more environmentally friendly. Do their actions get recognized?It is great to hear that you have noticed environmental action being taken in Summit County! We are lucky to live in a place where businesses and individuals go out […]

Ask Eartha: How do I reduce my waste?

Recycling has always been the right thing to do. But now we know that recycling isn’t the only way to avoid throwing things in the trash. Sometimes, throwing away less stuff just means doing things differently.Brought to you by the letter ‘R’Since grade school, many of us have been taught the importance of the three […]

Ask Eartha: Circular Economies

Dear Eartha, what is a circular economy? Are there any local examples? Great question, as this is a term that I hope we all hear more about in the future. Factors such as climate change, population growth, unsustainable lifestyles and dwindling resources are pressuring global economies to evolve. One such evolution is that circular economies […]

Ask Eartha: What is climate equity?

Dear Eartha, What is climate equity? Take a few moments and imagine that you live somewhere else. Instead of mountains in your backyard, there’s block after block of buildings — row homes, high-rise buildings and skyscrapers in the distance. Concrete and asphalt replace local singletrack. A nearby highway is busy with traffic. A few miles away, […]

Ask Eartha: Dealing with all of those leaves

Dear Eartha, My garden and yard are looking spookier than any haunted house, and it’s not Halloween decorations. What’s a ghoul — I mean, gardener — to do with all these fallen leaves and a garden that’s downright ghostly? October has gifted us with some stunning days, so it’s no wonder that fall chores may […]