Solarize your Business or HOA

Are you a business or HOA in Summit County considering solar? Now is the time to act! Breckenridge, Frisco, Silverthorne, and Summit County are offering a limited number of rebates for businesses and residents who go solar through the Solarize Summit program. What is Solarize Summit? Solarize Summit is a limited-time program designed to make […]

Ask Eartha: Let’s talk about producer responsibility

Dear Eartha, I have recently heard of extended producer responsibility in the world of recycling. What exactly does this mean? For the state of Colorado, extended producer responsibility is happening thanks to HB22-1355, a bill that requires companies selling packaging and printed paper into the state to fund and manage a coordinated statewide recycling system […]

Ask Eartha: Say goodbye to the scrap metal bins

Dear Eartha, I saw signs at the recycling center that the scrap metal bins are being removed in a couple months — what’s the deal? What you saw was not a figment of your wintry imagination. Beginning Jan. 1, 2024, changes are coming to the recycling drop-off centers in Frisco, Breckenridge and Silverthorne. The large […]

Ask Eartha: What you need to know about the universal recycling ordinance

Dear Eartha, I own a business in Frisco and recently learned about the universal recycling ordinance.  I’m not sure how it applies to my business. What do I need to know? According the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Americans only recycle 32% of our waste. In Colorado, our statewide recycling rate is only 16%. Here Summit County, the recycling […]

Ask Eartha: Let’s talk about Climate Action Week

Dear Eartha, I’m just one person, and climate change feels so big. What could I possibly do to help? I had a conversation with a friend recently during which she lamented that trying to fix the climate crisis feels like “trying to boil the ocean.” It’s big, it seems insurmountable and it’s discouraging. These are […]

Ask Eartha: A Guide to Boiler Replacement

Dear Eartha, My boiler is old and I’ve been told it might not last much longer. Do I get a higher efficiency boiler or are there other heating options to consider? I don’t know where to start! The decision to replace an old natural gas boiler is a significant crossroads in a homeowner’s journey. It’s […]

Ask Eartha: Breaking down EV incentives

Dear Eartha, I am interested in buying an electric car and am trying to figure out all the rebates, but it’s so confusing. Help! As someone doing her own electric vehicle shopping, I know firsthand that navigating through the rebates and incentives can be a real head-scratcher. But fear not — we’ve got this. Federal […]