Ask Eartha: Sustainable Grocery Shopping

Dear Eartha, I loved all the fresh Colorado veggies offered this summer at the Dillon Farmer’s Market. Now that the market is wrapped up for 2021, how can I continue to find earth-friendly food while shopping for groceries? If you’re like me, you care about where your food comes from, and that means you probably […]

ASK EARTHA: Getting Kids into Climate Action

Dear Eartha, recent news about climate change has got me thinking about my role as a parent and how to teach my kids about environmental stewardship. How can Summit County youth learn more about climate change without being totally overwhelmed?  As a parent, it can be daunting to hear alarming news about the unexpected pace of […]

ASK EARTHA: A Solution for Plastic Pollution

Dear Eartha, it seems impossible to not buy products covered in plastic packaging. It’s so frustrating because most of it is not recyclable. Is there a way out of this mess? Yes, plastic is everywhere. And it’s getting worse. As renewable energy gains momentum – decreasing the demand for fuel – the oil and gas industry […]

ASK EARTHA: Gardening in the Mountains

Dear Eartha Steward, I would love to grow my own vegetable garden, but I don’t know much about gardening in the mountains.  I feel like it would be really good for me to do this! How do you suggest I get started?    Growing vegetables in our mountain climate is entirely possible … as long as […]

ASK EARTHA: 5 Actions To Take This Earth Day

Dear Eartha, I’m looking for some new ways to celebrate Earth Day this year. What actions can I take locally to support a sustainable Summit County?  My favorite time of year – Earth Day. Across the globe, people commemorate this 51-year-old celebration by cleaning up their communities and taking action to create a healthier, more sustainable […]