ASK EARTHA: How to Efficiently Cool Your Home

Dear Eartha, Is it just me, or does it feel hotter this summer? Am I crazy for thinking about getting an air conditioner?   As rapper Nelly presaged, “It’s getting hot in here.” And while he definitely wasn’t referring to heat building up in the atmosphere, he was right. It is getting hotter. And not just […]

ASK Eartha: Check for Gas Leaks

Dear Eartha, I’ve been having huge energy bills over the last few months. The strange thing is that I’ve had my heat off since mid-April. According to my energy bill, the majority of my costs are on the gas side, not electric. What is going on!?  This very question pinged into my inbox around noon on […]

Ask Eartha: Green Transportation Options

Dear Eartha, My goal this year is to reduce my carbon footprint by driving less, but it’s not always easy. What tips do you have?   The level of convenience that cars provide can deter us from considering other transportation options. If you have access to a personal vehicle your brain is probably on auto-pilot to […]

ASK EARTHA: How Compost is Made Locally

Dear Eartha, I recently bought compost from SCRAP for my flower beds. Is it safe to put in my herb garden, too? What’s the environmental benefit of using this instead of commercially bought compost?  Double kudos to you – first for giving your flowers an added boost, and second for going local. The High Country Compost […]

ASK EARTHA: Combatting Climate Change

Dear Eartha, I’ve heard that to avoid the scariest impacts of climate change, we humans need to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Are we doing enough to get there? What would it take to hit that target?  As we emerge from the Covid reality of the past year, it’s worth reflecting on the world we’re […]

ASK EARTHA: Greywater in Colorado

Dear Eartha, My neighbor keeps a bucket at the bottom of their tub while they shower to collect water that they use in their garden. Does that really make a big difference?   You hear a lot about recycling from High Country Conservation Center. Summit County recycles aluminum cans, glass bottles, mattresses, and the list goes […]

ASK EARTHA: 5 Actions To Take This Earth Day

Dear Eartha, I’m looking for some new ways to celebrate Earth Day this year. What actions can I take locally to support a sustainable Summit County?  My favorite time of year – Earth Day. Across the globe, people commemorate this 51-year-old celebration by cleaning up their communities and taking action to create a healthier, more sustainable […]

ASK EARTHA: Plastic Bag Ban

Dear Eartha, I heard that plastic bags might get banned in Colorado. Is that true? What’s the timeline?  Earlier this winter, the Dillon Town Council opted to ban plastic bags and foam takeout containers starting in August of 2021. Breckenridge and Frisco will ban single-use plastic bags starting in September. Additionally, state legislators introduced a bill […]

ASK EARTHA: Solar Energy – How to Get Started

Dear Eartha, Last year, my neighbor installed solar panels on her roof, and she loves them. I’m interested in solar now, too. How do I get started?  When you pause to think about it, solar energy is pretty rad. The most abundant source of energy on Earth, it powers nearly everything around us – growing the […]

ASK EARTHA: Has Winter Left Us Dry

Dear Eartha, It was a rough start to ski season. Now that conditions are finally improving, does that mean we’re all caught up from the dry start to winter?  I’m thrilled to finally ski my favorite high-mountain terrain, runs that opened later than usual. While mountain conditions are improving, the fact of the matter is that […]