Summit County Resource Allocation Park (SCRAP)
The SCRAP is the home of the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) where all recyclables collected in the county get organized, baled, and shipped. It is also home to the landfill and the High Country Compost facility.
General Info
639 Landfill Rd. Dillon CO 80435 Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, 7 a.m. – noon
All recyclables collected at the free Summit County recycling centers or picked up by local recycling companies are taken to the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), located at the SCRAP. Recyclables are then sorted and baled for shipment. By following local recycling guidelines, you ensure the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the process.
Hard to recycle items and household hazardous waste materials are also accepted at the SCRAP. The best part? It’s free for Summit County residents and homeowners.

Ask Eartha article “What happens to my recycling”

The Landfill
Everything we throw into a trash can in Summit County ends up in the landfill. It is a common misconception that materials in landfills break down. Before you throw it into the garbage, make sure your waste cannot be composted or recycled. By keeping waste out of the landfill we are able to extend its life and keep our pristine mountain environment clean.
High Country Compost
The High Country Compost facility is where food scraps from homes, schools, and businesses are transported and transformed into High County Compost. This compost (perfect for boosting your garden, house plants, or yard) is available to purchase.