Ready to Host a zero waste event?
We’ve got you covered! Whether you’re required to create a waste plan for your upcoming event, or you’re looking to go green at your next backyard barbeque, HC3 can help. Scroll through the step-by-step guide below or download the checklist for helpful tips, a list of waste vendors, bin rentals and more.
Still have questions? Email HC3 staff and we’ll schedule time to coach you through a successful Zero Waste event.

Hosting Your Event
Step 1: Size it Up
Figure out how many people will be attending your event. This will help you determine how to proceed in the next steps.
Less than 30 People
Provide recycling containers and self-sort at a recycling center.
More than 30 people
Partner with venue to use existing single-stream recycling pick-up. Decide whether you will contract with a waste service provider or rent bins.
More than 150 People
Contract with waste service provider.
Step 2: Create a Zero Waste Plan
Several Summit County towns require a waste plan for special events. The plan should include a map of waste stations, a list of what you’ll sort (trash, recycling, glass, and/or compost), and how many bins you need. Document how you will collect and transport waste.
Step 3: Communicate with Partners
Create a purchasing policy for vendors and list the types of food and drink containers they are allowed to serve. Encourage products made from recyclable materials and ensure all vendors, staff, contractors and cleaning crews understand your zero waste efforts.
Step 4: Label Bins and Provide Signage
Use bilingual labels and signs (with pictures!) to show attendees what goes in each bin. Attach examples of common waste items to each bin. HC3 offers free downloadable signs.
Step 5: Keep it Clean and Celebrate
Recruit volunteers to monitor waste stations throughout the event. This is a critical step for ensuring clean recycling and educating attendees. Be sure to celebrate your zero waste efforts when you recap your event.