ASK EARTHA: Dog Poop and the Environment

Dear Eartha, the amount of dog poop I see around town and on our trails is concerning. Is it bad for the environment when our dogs do their business and it’s not picked up?  We have all seen or smelled the landmines that our dogs leave behind when it’s time for them to go. The impact […]

ASK EARTHA: Environmental News to Make You Happy

Dear Eartha, it feels like nothing went right in 2020. What environmental success stories can I reflect on to brighten my mood heading into the New Year?   There is no denying, 2020 was a tough year. However, while the news was often flooded with anxiety-ridden headlines, there is still a lot to celebrate. In the […]


Dear Eartha, my neighbor is on our HOA board and said they’re thinking of dropping our recycling program because it’s such a mess. There was a ton of trash in our recycling over the holidays, but I’m not sure if it’s the people who live here or visitors. Is there anything we can do to […]

ASK EARTHA: New Year’s Resolutions

Dear Eartha, Every year, I make a New Year’s resolution to adopt one new habit to make my life more sustainable. A friend called me a hypocrite, because no matter what I do, I’ll still have an environmental impact. His comment bummed me out. What can one person really do, anyway? “Bah-humbug,” I say to your […]

ASK EARTHA: Cooking With Gas

Dear Eartha, My gas stove is on its last leg. When I was looking for replacements, I read that  gas appliances can cause poor air quality. I love cooking with gas, but is it healthier to cook with an electric stove? With the average American spending nearly 90 percent of their time indoors – maybe […]

ASK EARTHA: Holiday Recycling Tips

Dear Eartha, holiday cards from friends and family are already lining my shelves. Can I recycle cards? What about wrapping paper? When it’s time to dispose of our worn-out holiday decorations, it can be difficult to know whether they go in recycling or trash. But don’t get discouraged. With a few simple steps you can […]

ASK EARTHA: E-Waste Recycling

Dear Eartha, I have a bunch of electronics on my Black Friday shopping list, and I am wondering what I should do with my old ones? Although Black Friday may look a little different this year because of Covid-19, it is not going to stop millions of Americans from spending on the biggest shopping holiday. […]

ASK EARTHA: Berry Containers and Clam Shells

Dear Eartha, could you help settle a friendly bet? I thought berry containers were trash, but my husband swears they are fine in our home recycling bin (where we mix paper, cans and plastic). Who’s right?With apologies to your husband – I hope he owes you a nice dinner! – you are correct. Berry containers, […]

ASK EARTHA: Four Myths of Electric Vehicles

Dear Eartha, I’m thinking about getting an electric car, but I’m just not convinced they can handle winter driving. What’s your take? The future, dear readers, is electric! This is important because it will benefit our rapidly warming climate, our wallets, and our health. A Transportation Evolution According to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, […]

ASK EARTHA: What To Do With Fallen Leaves

Dear Eartha, It’s Halloween but it’s my garden and yard that are really scary. What should I do with the fallen leaves, withering pumpkins, and neglected garden? October gave us some beautiful days so it’s no wonder you’ve let fall chores pile up. And now that Halloween has arrived, it is time to meet your to-do […]