Contact info


High Country Conservation Center 737 Ten Mile Dr Frisco CO 80443 PO Box 4506 Frisco CO 80443


(970) 668-5703

Upon entering Breckenridge Chopping Block, a salon and spa situated in downtown Breckenridge, you’re greeted by friendly staff and a unique, engaging atmosphere. The salon is beautifully decorated with upcycled materials including beetle kill for their ceiling, upcycled frames to house nail polish, reclaimed wood doors that act as a barrier between the reception and salon, and tiny LED lights that highlight products on display shelves.   But reclaimed and upcycled material isn’t the only thing that makes Breckenridge Chopping Block a stand-out business. In 2020, the salon chose to upgrade their showerheads to ECOHEADS, an eco-friendly showerhead that reduces water and energy use by up to 65%. While a normal shower head uses roughly 16 gallons of water to wash just one head of hair, ECOHEADS will only use about 3 gallons. As water efficiency becomes increasingly important for our community and Western states, Breckenridge Chopping Block is an exceptional example as to how a business can do their part to conserve this vital resource.

Project Details

Efficiency improvement: Water-saving showerheads Resource Wise rebate: $300

I was raised to have an awareness of my environmental impact and to recycle everything I can. Bringing this core value of mine into the business was a no-brainer. It is just the right thing to do. – Melanie Dunn, Owner Breckenridge Chopping Block

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