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High Country Conservation Center 737 Ten Mile Dr Frisco CO 80443 PO Box 4506 Frisco CO 80443


(970) 668-5703


Dear Eartha, I have noticed a lot of businesses and community members working hard to make the county more environmentally friendly. Do their actions get recognized?

It is great to hear that you have noticed environmental action being taken in Summit County! We are lucky to live in a place where businesses and individuals go out of their way to make our community better each day. Each year, the High Country Conservation Center (HC3) presents the Green Scene Awards, which recognize outstanding businesses and individuals for all their work in making Summit County more sustainable.

Tim McClure Lifetime Achievement Award

The Tim McClure Lifetime Achievement Award is named after the founder of High Country Conservation Center, Tim McClure. This award honors a leader in our community who has demonstrated their consistent dedication and passion to creating a more sustainable Summit County.

When the staff at Northwest Colorado Council of Governments (NWCCOG) heard about this award, they knew exactly who to nominate – Doug Jones, their Energy Program Director. Doug is no stranger to serving his community, in fact, Doug has spent the last 25 years helping low-income Coloradans make their homes more energy efficient.

Over that time, Doug expanded NWCCOG’s energy programs to be more accessible to residents on the Western Slope. Doug’s vision of a more inclusive program has made it possible for his team to help hundreds of Coloradans reduce their energy usage and heating costs. Doug loves that he can help make residents’ lives better while also helping fight against climate change. And on top of all that Doug has achieved, he continues to inspire and mentor his staff and set the standard for electrification programs throughout Colorado.

Outstanding Community Advocate Award

The Outstanding Community Advocate Award is presented to a community member who has gone above and beyond to help make a difference in our community. Nico Cruz fits the bill perfectly. You might know Nico from his involvement in community organizations throughout the county such as Family Intercultural Resource Center and HC3.

Nico, who now works for the Town of Frisco as their Sustainable Material Specialist, has been a catalyst in helping Summit County ensure that environmental programs are equitable and accessible to all, especially the Latino and low-income residents. Not to mention, Nico inspires his friends and family by consistently setting the example of living more sustainably. Whether he’s volunteering, getting a home energy audit, riding his bike to work, or sharing his knowledge with those around him, Nico is always finding ways big and small to help Summit County be better each day.

Sustainable Business Champion Award

Presented to a local business that implements innovative environmental programs, the Sustainable Business Champion Award was awarded to Copper Mountain. While Copper may be known for its world class skiing, their team works hard behind the scenes to ensure that future generations have the same opportunities for awesome winter recreation. To Copper, that means taking big action to address climate change.

Copper has set the standard for ski industry sustainability with efforts like their recycling program, which has diverted over 3 tons of waste from the landfill so far. But Copper hasn’t stopped there. In 2021, they launched a carbon sequestration study to learn how they can restore native biodiversity back on to their slopes and pull carbon from the atmosphere at the same time.

Through all their different projects, Copper continues to push the ski industry to be more sustainable and think of ideas outside the box to address the ever-present threats of climate change.

The Green Scene Awards are just one way to celebrate sustainability champions in our community. As individuals, we can recognize the people and businesses going above and beyond. Consider supporting businesses who are going out of their way to eliminate single use plastic or compost their waste and congratulate those individuals you see championing projects for the environment. Those small acts of recognition go a long way to encourage continued action. Remember: the Green Scene Award winners all started somewhere, and we too can strive to be sustainability champions in our community.

Ask Eartha Steward is written by the staff at the High Country Conservation Center, a nonprofit dedicated to waste reduction and resource conservation. Submit questions to Eartha at