ASK EARTHA: Getting Kids into Climate Action

Dear Eartha, recent news about climate change has got me thinking about my role as a parent and how to teach my kids about environmental stewardship. How can Summit County youth learn more about climate change without being totally overwhelmed?  As a parent, it can be daunting to hear alarming news about the unexpected pace of […]

ASK EARTHA: Beware of Greenwashing

Dear Eartha, I recently ordered laundry detergent sheets to reduce my plastic consumption, but the items arrived in a giant plastic envelope and the sheets were inside yet another plastic bag. It’s frustrating that a product claiming to be eco-friendly and plastic-free was not. What can I do?  Good-for-the-planet products seem to be everywhere. On one […]

Ask Eartha: What’s Up with Carton Recycling?

Dear Eartha, I’ve noticed that there is a new container at the drop-off centers for food and beverage cartons. How can I tell what is a recyclable carton? Do these cartons actually get recycled and what are they being used for?  -Riley, Dillon  Thanks for bringing your confusion to my attention. I’m delighted that locals can […]

Ask Eartha: Green Transportation Options

Dear Eartha, My goal this year is to reduce my carbon footprint by driving less, but it’s not always easy. What tips do you have?   The level of convenience that cars provide can deter us from considering other transportation options. If you have access to a personal vehicle your brain is probably on auto-pilot to […]

ASK EARTHA: How Compost is Made Locally

Dear Eartha, I recently bought compost from SCRAP for my flower beds. Is it safe to put in my herb garden, too? What’s the environmental benefit of using this instead of commercially bought compost?  Double kudos to you – first for giving your flowers an added boost, and second for going local. The High Country Compost […]