ASK EARTHA: Getting Kids into Climate Action

Dear Eartha, recent news about climate change has got me thinking about my role as a parent and how to teach my kids about environmental stewardship. How can Summit County youth learn more about climate change without being totally overwhelmed?  As a parent, it can be daunting to hear alarming news about the unexpected pace of […]

ASK EARTHA: How Compost is Made Locally

Dear Eartha, I recently bought compost from SCRAP for my flower beds. Is it safe to put in my herb garden, too? What’s the environmental benefit of using this instead of commercially bought compost?  Double kudos to you – first for giving your flowers an added boost, and second for going local. The High Country Compost […]

ASK EARTHA: Gardening in the Mountains

Dear Eartha Steward, I would love to grow my own vegetable garden, but I don’t know much about gardening in the mountains.  I feel like it would be really good for me to do this! How do you suggest I get started?    Growing vegetables in our mountain climate is entirely possible … as long as […]

ASK EARTHA: 5 Actions To Take This Earth Day

Dear Eartha, I’m looking for some new ways to celebrate Earth Day this year. What actions can I take locally to support a sustainable Summit County?  My favorite time of year – Earth Day. Across the globe, people commemorate this 51-year-old celebration by cleaning up their communities and taking action to create a healthier, more sustainable […]

ASK EARTHA: What To Do With Fallen Leaves

Dear Eartha, It’s Halloween but it’s my garden and yard that are really scary. What should I do with the fallen leaves, withering pumpkins, and neglected garden? October gave us some beautiful days so it’s no wonder you’ve let fall chores pile up. And now that Halloween has arrived, it is time to meet your to-do […]

Ask Eartha: Why should I collect my food scraps?

Dear Eartha, I heard that the local food scrap recycling program is now free to Summit County residents. What’s the big deal with composting my food scraps and how can I participate? Great question! You heard correct, the Summit County Food Scrap Recycling program is now free to Summit County residents, thanks to funding from […]

Can I Compost Dissolvable Packing Peanuts?

Dear Eartha, I recently received a package with white peanuts that dissolve in water.  I assume they are made of starch or at least I’ve heard of that.  Can I compost them? The first time I received a package with what appeared to be puffy cereal protecting the contents, I began investigating them myself. Turns out, […]