In 1979, Mark and Colleen Richmond moved to Frisco from Denver, where Mark earned his law degree at the University of Denver. Soon after, they got involved with HC3, which was then called the Summit Recycling Project (SRP). Colleen was friends with SRP’s founder, Tim McClure. Because of Tim’s influence, Mark and Colleen were two of Summit County’s first recyclers.
A lot has changed in the time that Mark and Colleen have lived here – Frisco Main Street is paved, their sons now have children of their own, and Colleen, after many years as Summit County’s Clerk, is happily retired. Despite these changes, some things are constant. Mark still works at the law firm he opened in 1983. He and Colleen still enjoy the things that brought them to Frisco in the first place – skiing, biking, running, and rafting. And their dedication to sustainability remains strong.

Mark and Colleen are active participants in many of HC3’s programs. They’re regular participants at the Frisco Recycling Center, where they take their recyclables and food scraps. Through HC3’s Energy Smart Colorado program, they got an energy audit to learn how to make home efficiency improvements. And with support from Solarize Summit, they installed rooftop solar panels. Their conservation ethic has been deeply ingrained through many years of practice, but they also have new inspiration now: “We want a future for our grandkids,” says Colleen. “For us that means trying to leave this place better than we found it.”
From recycling to clean energy to water conservation, HC3’s programs make a difference in our community. Your support helps make that happen.