Dear Eartha, I’m on the board for my homeowners association, and we’re trying to figure out the new recycling rules in Frisco. Right now, the shared waste enclosure for our building barely fits the trash dumpster. How are we supposed to make room for recycling, too?
I hear you! Space is at a premium here in Summit County, and finding room for waste and recycling containers is no exception. The new Universal Recycling Ordinance will affect commercial properties that have garbage picked up on-site. In your case, homeowners associations count as commercial entities since the association is contracting the service. It’s true that some trash enclosures may need to be modified to comply with the new rules. But rest assured, you’re not expected to figure this out on your own! Before I dive into all the resources available to the homeowners associations and businesses in Breckenridge and Frisco, let’s get a better understanding of what universal recycling is.
Universal Redcyclng Ordinance basics
The Universal Recycling Ordinance states any commercial waste account within town limits of Breckenridge and Frisco must have recycling service that’s at least 50% of the volume of their waste service. Reaching that 50% threshold can be accomplished by modifying dumpster or container size and/or pickup frequency. For example, if you have a 6-yard trash dumpster, then you need a 3-yard recycling dumpster (or smaller containers that equal 3 yards of recycling).
So we’re all on the same page, there are lots of words used interchangeably for wheeled recycling containers — carts, cans, totes — whatever you call ’em, they’re like trash cans, but for recycling.
Finding the space for recycling
Back to your question about making room for recycling. Many times, there is more space in your enclosure than you realize. Let’s use our 6-yard trash dumpster example and assume that your trash is picked up once a week. Reaching the 50% recycling requirement could look like adding three 96-gallon rolling carts, which are picked up twice a week. For the math lovers out there, each cart holds 0.5 yards. That means three 96-gallon carts equals 1.5 yards, and when they’re picked up twice a week, you’ve got 3 yards of recycling.
What if you really can’t fit those recycling carts into your enclosure? Then, unfortunately, you’re going to need to make some change, but that doesn’t automatically mean a full-scale remodel. Depending on where you live, you may be able to add a screened area to the outside of your waste enclosure for recycling only. Check with your town regarding specific rules and regulations when it comes to making any enclosure changes.
Recycling resources
Still unsure where to start? I’ve got you! One of the best ways to get started is by contacting the High Country Conservation Center to schedule a free site visit. A member of the recycling team will come to your property, take a look at your enclosure(s), and assess what changes need to be made. While there’s no guarantee your existing enclosure will be big enough to add recycling service, the goal is to work with the space you have in order to minimize big changes.
Another great resource is your waste company, or hauler as we say in the biz. All the waste haulers in Summit County are on board with these changes, and they can help guide you through compliance. This is also a great time to reexamine what services you need and which waste haulers can meet those needs. As a reminder, waste haulers currently offering commercial pickup in Summit County are Timberline, Waste Management, and Summit Roll Offs. They all offer trash and recycling, and some even offer glass and food scrap pickup. In a way, you can choose your own adventure!
Keep in mind, if you do need to make enclosure modifications, the sustainability departments for each town can help with details on requirements and permitting. They’re also great resources for questions about universal recycling.
This is a big change, but it’s important — by ensuring that businesses and homeowners associations provide recycling service, more people in our community have convenient access to recycling! Take the guesswork out of compliance by relying on the free resources available. Interested in scheduling a free site visit at your property? Call the High Country Conservation Center at 970-668-5703 or email christy@highcountryconservation.org.