Sustainable Solutions for HOAs & Businesses
Wednesday, April 9 | 9-10:30 AM | South Branch Library, Silverthorne
Are your customers, homeowners, or tenants requesting EV charging? Did you hear about the Universal Recycling Ordinance passed in Frisco, Breckenridge and unincorporated Summit County? Interested in reducing your outdoor water usage? Unsure about how to get started?
Join the High Country Conservation Center and Xcel Energy for a FREE and informative workshop designed to help HOAs and businesses in Summit County take advantage of sustainability programs. This event will provide information on three key topics:
EV Charging: Learn about current EV charging programs, rebates, eligibility, and how to get started.
Universal Recycling Ordinance (URO): Understand the ordinance, how to comply, and available funding options.
Water Conservation: Find out about rebates available to your HOA or business to help you reduce outdoor water waste through irrigation system upgrades and turf replacements.
This workshop is your opportunity to learn about programs that can save your HOA or business money, enhance the experience for your customers or homeowners, and improve sustainability. Attendees will also have the chance to connect with experts one-on-one and ask questions specific to their situation. Breakfast included!