Wild & Scenic Film Festival
Continental Divide Land Trust and HC3 have partnered once again to bring you the 7th Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival. This festival portrays individuals and communities across the globe solving climate change issues revolving around water conservation, energy, food systems, biodiversity, resource management, and the protection and restoration of wild lands and wild waters. You’ll explore the world improving movements with leading environmental activists and professionals, filmmakers and celebrities, celebrating the natural and human world in all its diversity.
The Wild & Scenic Film Festival is the closing event of Ullr Festival and provides inspiration for the whole family. Beer, wine, soda, and movie snacks are available for purchase. Epic prizes are given away at intermission.
Tickets available for $25 at Riverwalk Center event doors on event day, Saturday, Jan. 12, 2019.
For questions, please send us an email, call HC3 at 970-668-5703, or visit our Resource Page. Check out the trailer below:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu0ll_kkQ1s?rel=0&w=560&h=315]